Research projects - Stefano Scali

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Research projects

Polymorphism and eco-ethology of Podarcis muralis

Since 2005 I started a study on many aspects of biology of the common wall lizard related with chromatic polymorphism. I made researches on reproductive and territorial behaviour, immunological responses, homing behaviour, feedinf and on relations between morphotypes and habitat in many areas of Lombardy (Italy).
The study is carried on in collaboration with the University of Pavia.

Distribution models of amphibians and reptiles

In recent years I am carrying on many researches on distribution of Italian amphibians and reptiles using modern statistical analyses and models with digital cartography softwares (GIS, MaxEnt, Biodiverse). The aim of these studies is the comprehension of ecological needs of the species and the proposal of conservation strategies.

Morphology and systematics of Natrix natrix and Malpolon monspessulanus

I started a study on morphology and systematics of the grass snake and the Montpellier snake using traditional and geometric morphometric techiniques.
The studies are carried on in collaboration with the University of Pavia.

Conservation of Emys orbicularis

I am carrying on a conservation project of the European pond turtle with a population reinforcement in the Natural Park "Lame del Sesia" (north-western Italy). The project is going on with radio tracking monitoring and visual observations.

Herpetological diversity in northern Argentina

Since 2006 I carried on a research on herpetological diversity in northern Argentina, in particular in Yungas and Chaco habitats. The aim of the study is the analysis of distribution of all the amphibian and reptile species using distribution models related with territory morphology and climate.
The study is carried on in collaboration with the Zoological Society "La Torbiera".

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